Friday, April 20, 2012

My Attractive and Effective Upwork Freelancer Profile

Tags: attractive, effective, successful, odesk, contractor, profile

A couple several months ago, I did something I have not done for a lengthy time: I began implementing for a new online job. Your oDesk profile and resume or cover-letter protect are the two most significant elements you need to consider when looking for a job in oDesk. Together, they must always emphasize your abilities to entice the interest of prospective business employers.

Below is my oDesk profile and I have share some tips and trick to get success in oDesk and will share more in future.


  1. this is really helpful for the beginner

    1. Thanks for taking interest. There are a lot of other posts for beginners, see all the posts. I am going to post more and more tips for beginners in the next few weeks.
